Kathmandu, 12 Aug: Unification between of two Congresses that split five years ago has been put off; a livid NC-D President Sher Bahadur Deuba said Saturday a miscarriage will be announced within two days."Now a miscarriage will be announced within two days," the former prime minister predicted."How long are we going to talk unity? We have been treated like children. We couldn’t organize waiting for unity," an angry Deuba said.NC-D central committee will met this week will formally announce the miscarriage and go on a campaign to organize for the 22 November assembly election which may not be held.Deuba told the same programme in which he forecast the abandonment of unity talks, the first historic assembly election won’t be held because of continued Maoist excesses.Deuba charged the Congress and its leader Prime Minister Girija Prasad Koirala for wasting his time in creating expectations for unity." We’ve been treated like children."Deuba said nominations for candidature for elections have to be filed by the first week of September and homework will start immediately after unity talks are abandoned."How long are we going to wait for talks," an irritated Deuba asked.Deuba, demanded second position in the united party below Koirala; he asked for an honourable unity wile accommodating his colleagues in powerful party positions.Koirala’s critics charge the ailing government chief for nepotism trying to secure the party for his daughter, Sujata, and cousin, Sushil, after his political eclipse.
Meanwhile, Chief Election Commissioner Bhoj Raj Pokhrel Sunday asked Koirala to create an environment as technical preparations and work at headquarters have been completed.The commission will now proceed to districts and villages to prepare for elections.
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