Kathmandu, 19 Nov: Coordinator of Interim Constitution Commission Laxman Aryal hit Monday took on Prime Minister Girija Prasad Koirala who called for former supreme court justice a ‘revolutionary’ by drafting an ‘impractical’ constitution."The prime minister said three things: the constitution was revolutionary, impractical and they [drafters] disobeyed my instructions," Aryal said putting the PM’s charges against him and others earlier this month in perspective.
"The comment shows the level of his commitment to the interim constitution. The constitutional crisis that has now cropped up is because of the insincerity of the leadership of political parties to the constitution," Aryal told Sanghu in an interview.Aryal revealed the concept on a ‘baby king’ recommended by Koirala was not incorporated in the constitution."He [Koirala] brought up the matter of a baby king. We will make the constitution; you corporate this."I told him, this will create a confusion amongst people. We didn’t agree to some things," Aryal revealed.He didn’t detail what other Koirala suggestions weren’t incorporated in the interim constitution.
‘While hair doesn’t demonstrate ability. You can’t say your hair has grayed with continued involvement in politics. The problem now is government’s commitment to the constitution," Aryal said refuting Koirala’s charge against him. "There are technical problems." "A prime minister who says the constitution is impractical should leave. Others will come who can implement it," Aryal said.‘Why did the seven parties approve the constitution. That’s my only questin," Aryal asked.
"The comment shows the level of his commitment to the interim constitution. The constitutional crisis that has now cropped up is because of the insincerity of the leadership of political parties to the constitution," Aryal told Sanghu in an interview.Aryal revealed the concept on a ‘baby king’ recommended by Koirala was not incorporated in the constitution."He [Koirala] brought up the matter of a baby king. We will make the constitution; you corporate this."I told him, this will create a confusion amongst people. We didn’t agree to some things," Aryal revealed.He didn’t detail what other Koirala suggestions weren’t incorporated in the interim constitution.
‘While hair doesn’t demonstrate ability. You can’t say your hair has grayed with continued involvement in politics. The problem now is government’s commitment to the constitution," Aryal said refuting Koirala’s charge against him. "There are technical problems." "A prime minister who says the constitution is impractical should leave. Others will come who can implement it," Aryal said.‘Why did the seven parties approve the constitution. That’s my only questin," Aryal asked.
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